Delicate disease
The era of the wrong way of life brings us a lot of problems, including delicate ones. Direct diseases …
Клиника "Пятая точка" – Лечение геморроя. Проктолог, Уролог, Гинеколог, Хирург, Колоноскопия
Лечение геморроя, анальной трещины, Колоноскопия, Гастроскопия, Проктолог, Уролог, Гинеколог, Хирург, Оперативное лечение
The era of the wrong way of life brings us a lot of problems, including delicate ones. Direct diseases …
Colonoscopy is a modern diagnostic method that allows timely detection of diseases of the large intestine. The study identifies inflammation.
Postpartum perineal renovation is a new method for simultaneous surgical treatment of genital prolapse, cicatricial perineal deformity …